Hadith List

The one who looks after a widow or a needy person is like one who performs Jihad in the cause of Allah, or one who regularly observes voluntary prayer at night and fasting during the day
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Do not turn your houses like graves, and do not take my grave a place for celebration, and invoke (Allah's) blessings upon me, for your invoking of Allah's blessings upon me will reach me wherever you may be
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The five (daily) prayers, Friday prayer to the next Friday prayer, and Ramadan to the next Ramadan are expiation of the sins committed between them, so long as major sins are avoided
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No fatigue, disease, sorrow, sadness, harm, or distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were a prick of a thorn, but Allah will expiate some of his sins thereby
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Whoever goes out to seek knowledge is in the cause of Allah until he returns
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Verily, the lawful is clear, and the unlawful is clear
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If only you rely upon Allah the way you should, He will provide for you as He provides for birds: They set out hungry in the morning and return with full bellies in the evening
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A servant committed a sin and said: 'O Allah, forgive my sin
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Every act of goodness is charity
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The one who severs the ties of kinship will not enter Paradise
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Whoever loves to have his sustenance expanded and his term of life prolonged should maintain his kinship ties
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Supplication is worship
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Nothing is more honorable in the sight of Allah Almighty than supplication
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Whoever says ‘subhān Allah wa bihamdih (glory be to Allah, and praise be to Him)’ one hundred times a day, his sins will be erased, even if they were as much as the foam of the sea
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Whoever says ten times
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When Allah intends good for someone, He grants him the understanding of the religion
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Whoever recites a letter from the Book of Allah will be credited with a good deed for it, and a good deed is multiplied tenfold
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There is no one who bears witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, sincerely from his heart, except that Allah will make him forbidden to Hellfire
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Allah's right upon His servants is that they should worship Him and associate no partners with Him. And the right of the servants upon Allah is that He should not punish whoever associates no partners with Him
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Whoever dies while not associating anything with Allah will enter Paradise, and whoever dies while associating anything with Allah will enter Hellfire
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Indeed, Allah will distinguish a man from my Ummah before all of creation on the Day of Judgment
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I advise you to fear Allah and to hear and obey, even if an Abyssinian slave. You will see after me great discord. So, hold fast to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs
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When the Muezzin (the caller to prayer) says, 'Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar
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Allah Almighty said: 'I have divided prayer between Myself and My servant into two halves, and My servant shall have what he has asked for
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Indeed, I have not asked you to swear because I suspect you, but Jibrīl (Gabriel) came and told me that Allah Almighty is boasting about you before the angels
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Show reverence to Muhammad (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) by honoring his family members.
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Modesty brings nothing but good
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Allah, the Exalted, says: "My reward shall be nothing less than Paradise for My faithful servant who, if I take the life of his beloved one from the inhabitants of the world, he bears it patiently in expectation of My reward."
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Then return to your parents and accompany them in a best way
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The best dinar a man spends is a dinar that he spends on his dependents, and a dinar that a man spends on his mount in the cause of Allah, and a dinar that he spends on his companions in the cause of Allah
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Do not take my grave as a place of festivity (which you visit repeatedly), and do not take your houses as graves. Send blessings upon me, for your greeting will reach me no matter where you are
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Whoever provides for two girls until they reach puberty, he will come on the Day of Judgment, me and him," and he joined his fingers
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You will not enter Paradise until you believe and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I guide you to something which, if you do, you will love one another? Spread the greeting of peace among yourselves
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Which deed is dearest to Allah? He said: "Offering prayer at its earliest appointed time." I said: Then, what comes next? He said: "Dutifulness to one's parents." I said: Then, what comes next? He said: "Jihad in the way of Allah
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Tiyarah (belief in evil omens) is Shirk (polytheism). Tiyarah is Shirk. Tiyarah is Shirk - three times." Every one of us experiences something of that, but Allah Almighty dispels it with reliance on Him
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for by Allah, if Allah guides a single person through you, that will be better for you than red camels
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Are you not aware that Islam wipes out all (sins) that preceded it, and that Hijrah wipes out all (sins) that preceded it, and that Hajj wipes out all (sins) that preceded it?
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Fear Allah your Lord, pray your five, fast your month, give the Zakah due on your wealth, obey your rulers, and you will enter your Lord's Paradise
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Shall I not guide you to what Allah erases the sins and elevates the ranks with?
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Shall I not inform you of the best of your deeds and the purest in the sight of your Sovereign and the highest in your ranks
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May his nose be rubbed in dust, then may his nose be rubbed in dust, and may his nose be rubbed in dust." It was said: "O Messenger of Allah, who? He said: "The one whose parents, one of them or both, reach old age in his life yet he does not enter Paradise
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Al-Mufarridūn have gone far ahead
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I met Ibrāhīm (Abraham) on the night I was taken for a journey, and he said: O Muhammad, convey my greetings of peace to your Ummah and tell them that Paradise has pure soil and sweet water
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If you are as you say, then it is as if you are feeding them hot ashes, and you will continue to have a supporter against them from Allah as long as you continue to do this
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No people leave a gathering in which they did not remember Allah except that it will be as if they are leaving the carcass of a donkey, and it will be a cause of regret for them
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I would not be pleased to have the like of Uhud in gold and three days pass while even one dinar thereof remains with me, except what I keep for debts. Otherwise, I would distribute it among Allah's slaves like this, and like this, and like this
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O Messenger of Allah, who is the most entitled among people to my good companionship? He said: Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father, and then those who are the closest to you
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A man asked the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) about fasting while traveling. He answered: If you wish then fast, and if you wish then do not fast
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Keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah
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Shall I inform you about the most beloved words by Allah? They are: Glory belongs to Allah and praise is due to Him
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By the One in Whose hand my soul is, if you were not to commit sins, Allah would replace you with people who would commit sins and then seek forgiveness from Allah, the Almighty, who would then forgive them
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O people, spread the greeting of peace, feed others, maintain kinship ties, and pray at night when people are asleep, and you will enter Paradise in peace
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Allah, the Almighty, says: I am with My slave as long as he remembers Me and his lips move saying My Name
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Allah does not listen as attentively to anything as He listens to a prophet with a melodious voice
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Whoever does not recite the Qur’an with a melodious voice is not one of us
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A number of Hadīths pertaining to the virtue of Dhikr sessions
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Allah says: If My slave intends to do an evil deed, do not write it down until he does it. If he does it, then write it as it is. If he does not do it for My Sake, then write it as a good deed for him
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You praised this, so Paradise has been affirmed for him, and you dispraised this, so Hell has been affirmed for him. You are Allah's witnesses on earth
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Allah has ninety-nine names – one hundred minus one – and no one memorizes them but that they will enter Paradise. He is One, and He loves odd numbers
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said to Abu Bakr and ‘Umar: "These two are the masters of the elderly people of Paradise, from the first ones and the last ones, except the prophets and the messengers
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Go back to them and seek their permission. If they give you permission, you can engage in Jihad, otherwise, be dutiful to them
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O Messenger of Allah, I left no minor or major sin without committing it." He said: "Do you not testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah?
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Actions are of six types and people are of four: two imperatives, one and its equal reward, one good deed with ten times as much reward, and one good deed with a seven-hundred-fold reward
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Among the portents of the Hour is that knowledge will be taken away, ignorance will prevail, adultery will spread, drinking alcohol will be common, and men will decrease in number while women will increase so much that for fifty women there will only be one man to look after them
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The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) mentioned something and said: "That will be at the time when knowledge disappears
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Do not seek knowledge in order to show off in front of the scholars, or to argue with the foolish;
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Allah has given a parable: a straight path
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Would any one of you like to find three large, fat, pregnant she-camels when he returns to his family?
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It will be said to the one devoted to the Qur’an: Read, ascend, and recite with deliberation as you used to recite in the world. Your rank will be at the last verse you recite
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He who recites the Qur’an openly is like he who gives charity openly, and he who recites the Qur’an secretly is like he who gives charity secretly
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they would listen to ten verses from the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and not move to the next ten verses until they learned the knowledge and application contained therein
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O Abu al-Mundhir, do you know which verse of Allah's Book that you have is the greatest?" I said: "{Allah: none has the right to be worshiped except Him, the Ever-Living, All-Sustaining...} [Surat al-Baqarah: 255]." Thereupon, he struck me on the chest and said: "May knowledge be pleasant for you, O Abu al-Mundhir!
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Say 'there is no god but Allah', and I will testify for you by it on the Day of Judgment
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When you hear the Muezzin, say what he says and then invoke Allah's blessings upon me
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That is Satan who is known as Khinzab. If you perceive his effect, seek refuge with Allah from him and spit three times to your left
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Allah does not accept any deed except what is done purely for Him and in pursuit of His Countenance
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When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a pious child who supplicates for him
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When the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) entered the privy, a servant and I used to carry a waterskin and a pointed staff, and he would cleanse himself with water
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It is out of glorification of Allah, Almighty, to honor the grey-haired (old) Muslim, and the bearer of the Qur'an who neither exaggerates concerning it nor neglects it, and to honor the just ruler.
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I saw you pray towards a direction other than the Qiblah! He said: Had I not seen the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) doing so, I would not have done it
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I saw the Ansār do something with the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) after which I took a pledge upon myself that I would not accompany anyone of them without serving him
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One will be with those whom he loves
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There were two brothers during the time of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). One of them used to come to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and the other used to work to earn a living. Once, the working brother complained to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) about his brother. Thereupon, he replied: Perhaps you are granted sustenance because of him
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Because of it, Allah either admitted her to Paradise or freed her from Hell
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The Prophet's wives were with him when Fātimah (may Allah be pleased with her) came walking. Her gait was exactly similar to the gait of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him)
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I never felt jealous of any of the Prophet's wives more than I felt jealous of Khadījah (may Allah be pleased with her). I never saw her, but he used to mention her a lot
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The supplication of a Muslim for a fellow Muslim in his absence is answered. At his head, there is an entrusted angel. Whenever one invokes good for his brother, the entrusted angel says: Amen, and likewise to you
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I will do my best to lead you in prayer just as the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to lead us in prayer
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You indulge in such actions that are less significant in your eyes than a hair, while we used to consider them destructive sins during the Prophet’s lifetime
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You will experience favoritism after me, so have patience until you meet me at the Basin
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Two of the Prophet's Companions left his house on a dark night and were led by two lights like lamps illuminating the way before them
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She said: Do not tell anyone the secret of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). Anas said: By Allah, if I were to tell anyone about it, I would have told you about it, O Thābit
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There are forty good qualities, the best of which is the lending of a milch goat. Anyone carries out any of these virtuous deeds seeking its reward (from Allah) with firm confidence that he will receive it, Allah will admit him to Paradise
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He did a little but was greatly rewarded
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The closest people to Allah are the ones who give the Salām first
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The best of people is the one whose life is long and his deeds are good
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was never asked anything and said 'no'
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Whoever spends something in the cause of Allah, it will be recorded for him as much as seven hundred times
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The similitude of guidance and knowledge that Allah has sent me with is like heavy rain that fell on a land. Some spots had good soil; they absorbed the water and brought forth much grass and herbs
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O people of the Ansār, did I not find you in a state of misguidance then Allah guided you aright through me? Were you not divided then Allah brought you together through me? Were you not in a state of poverty then Allah made you wealthy through me?
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Jibrīl came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and said: How do you rate the people who participated in the battle of Badr among you? He said: They are from the best of Muslims
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The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to stand by the trunk of a date-palm tree while delivering the sermon. When a pulpit was placed in the mosque, we heard the trunk crying out like a pregnant she-camel until the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) came down from the pulpit and placed his hand over it and it became quiet.
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The pleasure of Allah is in the pleasure of the parents, and the displeasure of Allah is in the displeasure of the parents
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The lasting good deeds are the statements: There is no god but Allah, glory be to Allah, Allah is the greatest, praise be to Allah, there is no power or might except with Allah
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Never does the son of Adam do any deed that can save him from Allah's punishment more than remembering Allah
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The wealth of a man will not diminish by charity; Allah augments the honor of a man who endures an oppression patiently; and he who opens a gate of begging, Allah opens a gate of poverty
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The superiority of the scholar over the worshiper is like my superiority over the lowest among you
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No Muslim visits a (sick) Muslim early in the morning but seventy thousand angels send blessings upon him
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Whoever follows a path in pursuit of knowledge, Allah will facilitate for him a path to Paradise
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If the slave draws closer to Me by a hand-span, I shall draw closer to him by a cubit; and if he draws closer to Me by a cubit, I shall draw closer to him by the span of two outstretched arms. If he comes to Me walking, I shall come to him running
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If anyone kills a gecko in the first strike will have one hundred good deeds recorded for him; and with the second strike lesser than that and with the third strike lesser than that
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No woman among you loses three of her children to death except that they will screen her from Hellfire
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Any Muslim who loses three of his children will not be touched by the Fire except in fulfillment of the oath
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What do you think of a man who does a good deed and people praise him for it? He said: That is instant good news for the believer
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Should I not feel shy of a man whom the angels feel shy of?
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Recite the Qur'an, because it will come as an intercessor on the Day of Judgment for its reciters
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Allah selected Kinānah from the children of Isma‘īl, Quraysh from Kinānah, the children of Hāshim from Quraysh, and me from the children of Hāshim. So I am the master of the children of Adam, without pride. And I am the first for which the earth will be split open, and I am the first intercessor, and the first to be granted intercession
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Fātimah is a piece of me, so whoever makes her angry makes me angry
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Every nation has an extremely trustworthy man, and the most trustworthy man of this Ummah is Abu ‘Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrāh
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Every prophet had a disciple and my disciple is Az-Zubayr
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Az-Zubayr is the son of my paternal aunt and a disciple among my followers
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the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) allocated two days to ‘Ā’ishah; her own day and that of Sawdah
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to ask in his final illness: Where will I be tomorrow? Where will I be tomorrow? He was looking forward to ‘Ā'ishah's turn [to stay with her]. So, his wives allowed him to stay wherever he wished
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Keep some of your wealth, for this is better for you
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"I am not weeping because I do not know that what Allah holds is better for the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him), but I weep because the revelation from the sky has stopped." Her words moved them to tears and they began to weep along with her
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Today, I shall be the gatekeeper of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) came and pushed the door and I said: "Who is it?" He said: "This is Abu Bakr." I said: "Wait, please." I went and said: "O Messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr seeks permission to come in." He said: "Let him in and give him glad tidings of Paradise."
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Whenever reinforcements from the people of Yemen came to ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb (may Allah be pleased with him), he would ask them: Is Uways ibn ‘Āmir amongst you?
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Never have I heard ‘Umar saying about something: I think it to be so-and-so, but it proved to be as he had thought
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The finest form of dutifulness is maintaining relations with those whom one’s father loved
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Some people came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and said: "Send with us some men to teach us the Qur'an and the Sunnah." So he sent to them seventy men from the Ansār who were called "the reciters"; among them was my maternal uncle Harām
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Allah, the Almighty, ordered me to read to you {Those who disbelieve among the People of the Book and the Polytheists were not going to depart (from their ways) until there should come to them Clear Evidence.} [Sūrat al-Bayyinah: 98]
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If a slave serves his master sincerely and worships Allah properly, he will have a double reward
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No son can repay the kindness of his father unless he finds him a slave and buys him and emancipates him
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O Sa‘d ibn Mu‘ādh, the Paradise, by the Lord of the Ka‘bah, I smell the fragrance of Paradise near Mount Uhud
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Well-done! That is a profitable deal! That is a profitable deal! I heard what you said: and I suggest that you give it to your nearest relatives
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The people of Kufa complained to ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb about their governor Sa‘d. He dismissed him and appointed ‘Ammār as their governor
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‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb (may Allah be pleased with him) allocated a sum of four thousand dirhams for each of the early Muhājirūn
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By Him in Whose hand is my soul, if your state of mind remains the same as it is in my presence and you are always busy in Dhikr, the angels will shake hands with you in your beds and in your paths but, Hanzhalah, time and time
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The story of the death of Az-Zubayr ibn al-‘Awwām (may Allah be pleased with him) and paying off his debt
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When the people of Yemen came, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: There have come to you the people of Yemen
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People are precious metals, like the metals gold and silver. The best of them in the pre-Islamic period are the best of them in Islam, if they understand. Souls are conscripted soldiers, whichever of them come together, they unite and whichever of them disregard each other, they diverge
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The angels continue to shade him with their wings
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While three persons were walking, rain began to fall and they had to enter a cave in a mountain. A (big) rock rolled over (and blocked the mouth of the cave)
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Indeed, Allah has put the truth upon the tongue and in the heart of ‘Umar
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Jibrīl brought ‘Ā’ishah’s image in a piece of green silk to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and said: This is your wife in the world and the Hereafter
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Verily, Ibrahīm is my son and he died as a suckling infant, and, verily, he has two wet nurses in Paradise completing his suckling period
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) wore two coats of mail. He tried to rise over a boulder, but he could not. Then Talhah bowed down and lifted the Prophet, so he could settle on the boulder. He then heard the Prophet saying: It is obligatory for Talhah
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Among Allah's slaves, there are some who, if they take an oath by Allah (concerning something), Allah fulfills it
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Worship during times of turmoil is like emigration to me
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Read the Qur’an, as it will come as an intercessor for its companions on the Day of Resurrection
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When a Muslim—or a believer—performs ablution, and he washes his face, every sin he has looked at with his eyes comes out of his face with the water or with the last drop of water
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Has Allah not provided for you that which you can give as charity? Every Tasbīh (saying: Glory be to Allah) is charity; every Takbīr (saying: Allah is the Greatest) is charity; every Tahmīd (saying: Praise be to Allah) is charity; and every Tahlīl (saying: There is no God but Allah) is charity. Enjoining good is charity, forbidding evil is charity, and even in fulfilling the sexual desire of one of you there is charity
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Whoever relieves a believer from one of the hardships of this world, Allah will relieve him from one of the hardships of the Day of Judgment
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O people, repent to Allah, for I repent to Him one hundred times a day
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Worship at times of chaos is like emigration to me
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No two Muslims meet and shake hands except that their sins are forgiven before they part
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May Allah brighten the person who hears something from us and conveys it as he heard it, for perhaps the one to whom it is conveyed is more mindful than the hearer
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I said: O Messenger of Allah, to whom should I be dutiful? he said: "Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father, then the next in nearness and so on
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Were people to know what is in the call and the first row and then they could do nothing but to draw lots for it, they would draw lots
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