
Hadith List

May the curse of Allah be upon the Jews and the Christians, for they took the graves of their prophets as places of worship
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I am the One Who is most free from want of partners. So, he who does something for the sake of someone else beside Me, I discard him and his polytheism.'
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I stand acquitted before Allah that I should take anyone of you as an intimate friend, for Allah has taken me as an intimate friend just as he took Abraham as an intimate friend
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Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians exaggerated in praising the son of Mary, for I am only His slave. So, call me the slave of Allah and His Messenger
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The happiest of people to receive my intercession on the Day of Judgment is the one who says, 'there is no god but Allah' sincerely from his heart or his soul
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Whoever dies while invoking besides Allah another equal will enter Hellfire
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Ruined are the extremists
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Shall I not send you with the same instructions as the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) sent me with? Do not leave any statue without blotting it out or any raised grave without leveling it
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The gravest major sins are: associating partners with Allah in worship, feeling secure from Allah's plan, despairing of Allah's mercy, and losing hope in relief coming from Allah
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There should not remain any necklace of string or any other kind of necklace around the necks of camels without being cut
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Whoever is attached to something will be entrusted to that thing
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Whoever says 'lā ilāha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah)' and disbelieves in everything worshiped besides Allah, his property and blood becomes inviolable, and his reckoning will be with Allah
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Allah Almighty will say to the one receiving the least torment in Hellfire: 'If everything on earth was yours, would you ransom yourself with it?' He will say: 'Yes
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That is a word pertaining to the truth which a jinn snatches and whispers into his friend's ears as a hen does. Then, they mix it with more than a hundred lies
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Do not sit on graves, and do not pray towards them
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Those are a people who, when a righteous slave or a righteous man from among them dies, they build a place of worship
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Allah's right upon His servants is that they should worship Him and associate no partners with Him. And the right of the servants upon Allah is that He should not punish whoever associates no partners with Him
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Whoever dies while not associating anything with Allah will enter Paradise, and whoever dies while associating anything with Allah will enter Hellfire
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Indeed, Allah Almighty forbids you to swear by your forefathers
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Do not say: What Allah wills and what so-and-so wills; rather say: What Allah wills then what so-and-so wills
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To swear by Allah even if I were telling a lie is dearer to me than to swear by other than Him even if I were telling the truth
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There is no transitive disease and no evil omen, and I like a good omen." It was said: What is a good omen? He said: "A good word
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So, for what should we give you the pledge of allegiance? He said: "To worship Allah and not associate any partners with Him; the five prayers; to obey - and he said in a low tone - and to not ask people for anything
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He who is inflicted with poverty and seeks relief from people, he will not be relieved; whereas he who seeks relief from Allah, he will be given sustenance from Allah sooner or later
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By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, you will follow the ways of those before you
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A man came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and talked to him about some matter and then said: It is as Allah wills and you will. Thereupon, the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Do you make me an equal to Allah? Say: 'It is as Allah alone wills.'
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Whenever the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) appointed a man to lead an army or a military detachment, he would advise him to fear Allah and treat well those Muslims who are with him
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Take it off, for it will only increase your weakness. If you die with it on, you will never succeed
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Whoever hangs an amulet has committed Shirk (polytheism)
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O Ruwayfi‘, you may live a long life after me; so, inform people that anyone who ties his beard, wears a string around his neck, or cleanse himself with animal dung or with bone, indeed Muhammad has nothing to do with him
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The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) did not believe in evil omens
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Those who make these images will be tortured on the Day of Resurrection. It will be said to them: Bring to life what you have created
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Angels do not enter a house with a dog or an image inside it
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Do not swear by Tawāghi (idols) nor by your fathers
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All of the earth is a mosque (prayer place) except the graveyard and the bathroom
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) visited me and drank from the mouth of a hanging waterskin while he was standing. So, I got up and cut off its mouth
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O Abu ‘Ā’ishah, there are three things, whoever speaks of one of them has fabricated a tremendous lie against Allah
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In prayer, nothing of people's ordinary speech is allowed. Only Tasbīh, Takbīr, and recitation of the Qur'an are allowed
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May the curse of Allah be upon the Jews and Christians; they took the graves of their prophets as mosques
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