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عن عُبَادَةَ بن الصَّامتِ رضي الله عنه قال:
بَايَعْنَا رسولَ اللهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم على السَّمْعِ وَالطَّاعَةِ فِي الْعُسْرِ وَالْيُسْرِ، وَالْمَنْشَطِ وَالْمَكْرَهِ، وعلى أَثَرَةٍ علينا، وعلى أَلَّا نُنَازِعَ الْأَمْرَ أهلَه، وعلى أَنْ نَقُولَ بِالْحَقِّ أينما كُنَّا، لا نَخَافُ في الله لَوْمَةَ لَائِمٍ.

[صحيح] - [متفق عليه] - [صحيح مسلم: 1709]
المزيــد ...

‘Ubādah ibn as-Sāmit (may Allah be pleased with him) reported:
We pledged allegiance to the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) to listen and obey at times of hardship and ease, energy and reluctance, and to endure if prejudice is held against us, and not to fight those in authority for power, and to say the truth wherever we are, without fearing anyone's reproach for the sake of Allah.

[Authentic hadith] - [Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim] - [Sahih Muslim - 1709]


The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) took the pledge of allegiance from the Companions over obedience to the rulers in what is easy and what is hard and in the state of richness and poverty, and whether they like or dislike their commands; even if the rulers prefer themselves over the subjects concerning the public funds, positions, and the like, they should listen and obey them in what is good and not revolt against them. This is because the strife and corruption that would result from fighting them are worse than the corruption caused by their oppression. Among the things they pledged allegiance to is to speak the truth wherever they may be, being sincere to Allah and not fearing those who reproach them.

Benefits from the Hadith

  1. The benefit resulting from listening and obeying the rulers is the unity of Muslims and renouncing dissension among them.
  2. It is obligatory to listen and obey the rulers unless disobedience to Allah is involved, in what is easy and what is hard, and at times of energy and reluctance, and if they favor themselves regarding certain things.
  3. It is obligatory to speak the truth wherever we may be without fearing the blame of anyone for the sake of Allah.
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