عن شداد بن أوس رضي الله عنه مرفوعًا:« إن الله كتب الإحسانَ على كل شيء، فإذا قتلتم فأحسِنوا القِتلةَ وإذا ذبحتم فأحسِنوا الذِّبحة، وليحد أحدُكم شَفْرَتَه ولْيُرِحْ ذبيحتَهُ».
[صحيح] - [رواه مسلم]
المزيــد ...

Shaddād ibn ‘Aws (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "Verily, Allah has enjoined kindness upon all things; so when you kill, kill well; and when you slaughter, slaughter well. Let one of you sharpen his blade and spare suffering to the animal he slaughters."
Sahih/Authentic. - [Muslim]


A Muslim is required to make his intention good and have a clear conscience. He is also required to improve his worship and obedience; perfect his work and craft; and act kindly with people, animals, and even inanimate beings. The slaughter of an animal surely causes pain to it. However, its slaughter is necessary for the benefit of human beings. Hence, the Hadīth aims to instill mercy, compassion, and kindness into the soul of the believer so that he will not be heedless of these meanings even if he has a right to slaughter or kill. The Hadīth also draws our attention to the fact that if kindness is required in killing and slaughtering, it is all the more required it in all other acts. Part of kindness is to sharpen the knife and reduce the pain of the animal.

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Benefits from the Hadith

  1. It commands Ihsān (excellence/perfection). It differs from one thing to another. Ihsān in the discharge of duties, inward and outward, means fulfilling their obligatory elements in a perfect manner. This level of Ihsān is obligatory. As for Ihsān by fulfilling their recommended elements, it is recommended. On the other hand, Ihsān in the abandonment of prohibitions is by refraining from them and avoiding their inward and outward aspects. This level of Ihsān is obligatory. Another category of Ihsān lies in enduring one’s destiny without discontentment or display of depression. Another type of Ihsān is in dealing and communicating with people, which means the fulfillment of their due rights. The due Ihsān people in authority must maintain is to fulfill the prescribed duties of this position. In the case of killing animals whose killing is permissible, Ihsān is to take their life in the quickest and easiest way that causes no unnecessary torture or pain.
  2. Allah Almighty is Compassionate towards His servants, and He prescribed Ihsān in everything.
  3. To Allah Almighty belong the command and judgment, given the statement: “Indeed, Allah prescribed Ihsān.” Destiny of Allah is of two types: enforceable and unenforceable.
  4. Ihsān comprises everything and exists in everything, as indicated by the statement: “Indeed, Allah prescribed Ihsān in everything.”
  5. It shows the Prophet’s good way of teaching (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), by providing examples that make the meanings clearer, as in his words: When you kill... when you slaughter.
  6. Ihsān in killing is a duty, for this describes the manner, not the action itself.
  7. We should observe Ihsān in slaughtering animals by doing so in the prescribed manner.
  8. It is prohibited to torture animals such as taking them as shooting targets, starving them, or keeping them locked without food or drink.
  9. The Shariah is perfect and it comprises all goodness, including mercy and gentleness towards animals.