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عن سالم بن أبي الجَعْدِ قال: قال رجل: ليتني صَلَّيتُ فاسترحْتُ، فكأنّهم عابُوا ذلك عليه، فقال: سمعتُ رسولَ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول:
«يا بلالُ، أقِمِ الصَّلاةَ، أرِحْنا بها».

[صحيح] - [رواه أبو داود] - [سنن أبي داود: 4985]
المزيــد ...

Sālim ibn Abu al-Ja‘d reported: A man said: "I wish I had prayed and got comfort." When the people seemed to disapprove of his statement, he said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) say:
'O Bilāl, call the Iqāmah for the prayer; give us comfort by it.'"

[Authentic hadith] - [Narrated by Abu Daoud] - [Sunan Abu Daoud - 4985]


A man from the Companions said: I wish I had prayed and got comfort. Those around him seemed to disapprove of his statement. So, he said: I heard the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) say: O Bilāl, make the call to prayer and proclaim its commencement so that we will get comfort by it. This is because it includes private communication with Allah Almighty and provides relief for the soul and the heart.

Benefits from the Hadith

  1. Relief of the heart comes with prayer, as it involves intimate communication with Allah Almighty.
  2. Expressing disapproval of he who is sluggish in performing acts of worship.
  3. If a person fulfills his duty and absolves himself of the liability, he will get a feeling of relief and reassurance as a result of that.
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