عن عبد الله بن عمرو وجابر بن عبد الله رضي الله عنهم مرفوعاً: «المسلمُ من سَلِمَ المسلمونُ من لسانهِ ويَدِهِ، والمهاجرُ من هَجَرَ ما نهى اللهُ عنهُ». وعن أبي موسى رضي الله عنه قال: قلتُ: يا رسولَ اللهِ أَيُّ المسلمينَ أَفْضَلُ؟ قال: «مَنْ سَلِمَ المسلمونُ من لِسانِهِ وَيَدِهِ».
[صحيح] - [حديث عبد الله بن عمرو رضي الله عنه: متفق عليه. حديث جابر رضي الله عنه: رواه مسلم. حديث أبي موسى رضي الله عنه: متفق عليه]
المزيــد ...

‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Amr and Jābir ibn ‘Abdullāh (may Allah be pleased with both of them) reported that the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: "The true Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe, and the Muhājir (emigrant) is the one who abandons what Allah has forbidden." Abu Mūsa (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he said: "O Messenger of Allah, who is the best among Muslims?" He said: "The one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe."
Sahih/Authentic. - [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]


The Muslim is the one from whose tongue the Muslims are safe, so he does not insult, curse, or backbite them, nor does he seek to sow any type of evil or corruption among them. Also, they are safe from his hand, so he does not assault them, take their property without right, or do anything of that nature. The Muhājir, i.e. the real emigrant, is the one who gives up what Allah, the Almighty, has forbidden.

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