
Hadith List

Faith has over seventy branches - or over sixty branches - the most excellent of which is the declaration that 'lā ilāha illa Allah (there is no god but Allah)', and the lowest of which is the removal of what is harmful from the way
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Whoever of you sees something evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able, then with his tongue; and if he is not able, then with his heart, and that is the weakest of faith
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He who does good in Islam will not be punished for what he did during jāhiliyyah, and he who commits evil in Islam will be punished for the previous and later deeds
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No prophet had been sent before me by Allah except that he had disciples and companions from his nation who adhered to his way and followed his command
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A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand Muslims are safe, and a Muhājir (emigrant) is the one who abandons what Allah has forbidden
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We find within ourselves thoughts that one of us would find too grave to talk about." He said: "Have you experienced that?" They said: 'Yes'. He said: "That is the clear faith
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Verily, faith wears out within one of you as a shirt becomes worn out; so, ask Allah to renew faith in your hearts
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He finds the taste of Imān who is pleased with Allah as Lord, with Islam as religion, and with Muhammad as Messenger
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