
Hadith List

I am the One Who is most free from want of partners. So, he who does something for the sake of someone else beside Me, I discard him and his polytheism.'
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When two Muslims meet to fight each other with their swords, both the killer and the killed are doomed to Hellfire
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Indeed, Allah does not look at your appearance and wealth, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.”
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Verily, the reward of deeds depends on the intentions, and each person will be rewarded according to what he intended
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None of you truly believes until I become dearer to him than his father, his children, and all people
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Whoever is attached to something will be entrusted to that thing
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You will be with whom you love
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O Turner of the hearts, keep my heart firm upon Your religion
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Whoever sincerely asks Allah, the Almighty, for martyrdom, Allah will raise him to the status of martyrs even if he dies on his bed
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Shall I tell you what I fear more for you than the Antichrist? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He said: Hidden polytheism; when a man gets up to pray and improves his prayer because he sees another man watching him
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There is no contagion, nor is there any evil omen in birds, nor is there any evil omen in the owl, nor is there any bad omen in the month of Safar
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Two eyes will not be touched by the Fire: an eye which has wept out of fear of Allah, and an eye which has spent the night guarding in the cause of Allah
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Let none of you die but should have good expectation from Allah
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Righteousness is good morals and sinfulness is what your heart is not at ease with and you hate that people know about it
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The one who is afraid (of the pillage of the enemy) sets out in the early part of the night, and the one who sets out early will reach his destination. Verily, the commodity of Allah is precious. Verily, the commodity of Allah is Paradise
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The strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than the weak believer, and there is good in both
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Allah has given a parable: a straight path
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I am a messenger from Allah to you to tell you that Allah loves you as you love him for His sake
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In Madīnah, there are people who are with you whenever you cover a distance or cross a valley. They have been detained by illness
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Verily, Allah, the Exalted, revealed to me that you must be humble, so that no one oppresses another or boasts of oneself before another
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By Allah! I do give a man and I leave another, and the one that I leave is more beloved to me than the one that I give
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People are precious metals, like the metals gold and silver. The best of them in the pre-Islamic period are the best of them in Islam, if they understand. Souls are conscripted soldiers, whichever of them come together, they unite and whichever of them disregard each other, they diverge
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