
Hadith List

"He is in Hellfire." The people then went to look at him and found in his place a cloak which he had stolen from the war booty
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Whenever the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) appointed a man to lead an army or a military detachment, he would advise him to fear Allah and treat well those Muslims who are with him
عربي English Urdu
Whoever learned archery then forsook it, is not one of us, or he said: he has indeed disobeyed
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Whoever is killed in defense of his wealth is a martyr. Whoever is killed in defense of his family, himself, or his religion is a martyr
عربي English Urdu
I will certainly expel the Jews and the Christians from the Arabian Peninsula until only Muslims are left in it
عربي English Urdu
Indeed, power is in shooting. Indeed, power is in shooting. Indeed, power is in shooting
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A spy from among the polytheists came to the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) while he was on a journey.
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Whoever kills someone in battle, having a proof for that, his belongings are his.
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Practice archery, O progeny of Isma‘īl; your forefather was an archer
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May Allah have mercy upon Mūsa! He was hurt more than this but remained patient
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Nay, I saw him in the Fire because of a mantle – or a cloak – that he had taken without right (from the war spoils)
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O people of the Ansār, did I not find you in a state of misguidance then Allah guided you aright through me? Were you not divided then Allah brought you together through me? Were you not in a state of poverty then Allah made you wealthy through me?
عربي English Urdu
War is deception
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No invading group or detachment sets out to fight in the cause of Allah and gets its share of the booty and returns safe and sound, but it has been given two-thirds of its reward in this world. On the other hand, no invading group or detachment returns defeated and injured but it will receive its full reward in the Hereafter
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The sanctity of the wives of the Mujāhids for those who stay behind is like the sanctity of their own mothers
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We got some food on the Day of Khaybar. A man would come and take the amount he needed from it then go away
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The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) arranged for a horse race among the horses that had been especially prepared for that purpose to take place between Al-Hafyā' and Thaniyyat al-Wadā‘.
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) divided the spoils, allotting two shares to the horse and one share to the man.
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) used to grant some of those whom he sent in a detachment a special share of the war booty, apart from other members of the army.
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The property of Banu An-Nadīr was among what Allah, the Almighty, bestowed upon His Messenger (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) as spoils and for which the Muslims did not have to fight, neither on horses nor on camels.
عربي English Urdu
The spoils of war were not made lawful for any people before us, then Allah made the spoils of war lawful for us when He saw our weakness and helplessness, so He made them lawful for us
عربي English Urdu
The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) entered Makkah in the Year of the Conquest wearing a helmet on his head. When he took it off, a man came to him and said: Ibn Khatal is hanging on to the drapes of the Ka‘bah, so he (the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: Kill him
عربي English Urdu
Ibn ‘Umar reported that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb wrote to the army commanders about men who stayed for a long time away from their wives. He ordered the [commanders] to charge them to either spend (on their wives) or divorce. If they divorce, they should send the financial support they had withheld
عربي English French
Whenever the Messenger (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) intended to carry out a battle, he would use an equivocation to conceal his real destination till it was the battle of Tabūk
عربي English French
Go back, for I will not seek help from a polytheist
عربي English French
The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) obtained the freedom of two Muslim men in captivity in exchange for a man from the polytheists
عربي English Uyghur
I witnessed the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) give a quarter (of the war spoils) as extra booty on the way out to a battle and a third on the way back
عربي English Uyghur
We used to get honey and grapes (as spoils) and eat them without bringing them (to the Prophet or the one in charge of distributing the spoils)
عربي English Uyghur
We went to the battle of Khaybar along with the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and got spoils there. The Messenger of Allah divided them among us and placed the rest of them with the booty
عربي English French
You will receive seven hundred she-camels in return for it on the Day of Resurrection, all wearing bridles
عربي English Urdu