Hadith List

Do not curse the dead, for they have reached the result of what they have done
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Are you not aware that Islam wipes out all (sins) that preceded it, and that Hijrah wipes out all (sins) that preceded it, and that Hajj wipes out all (sins) that preceded it?
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Whoever attends a funeral until he offers the funeral prayer will get a reward equal to one Qirāt; and whoever attends it until the dead person is buried will get a reward equal to two Qirāts. It was asked: What are the two Qirāts? He replied: Like two huge mountains
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You praised this, so Paradise has been affirmed for him, and you dispraised this, so Hell has been affirmed for him. You are Allah's witnesses on earth
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This Ummah will be tested in their graves. Were it not that you would not bury one another, I would supplicate Allah to make you hear what I hear of the torment of the grave
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If Allah decreed that someone should die in a certain land, He makes for him a reason to go there
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When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a pious child who supplicates for him
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) entered upon us after his daughter had died and said: "Wash her three times, or five times or more if you find that necessary. Wash her with water and Sidr (ground lotus leaves), add camphor (or a pinch of camphor) to water in the last time, and let me know when you finish."
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We were forbidden to follow funeral processions, but the prohibition was not mandatory for us
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To Allah belongs what He takes, and to Him belongs what He gives, and for everything He sets a specific term. So she should have patience and seek the reward from Allah
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Indeed, patience is at the first shock
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The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) offered the funeral prayer in absentia for the Negus, and I was in either the second or the third row
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O Allah, forgive those of us who are living and those of us who are dead, those of us who are young and those who are old, those of us who are males and those who are females, and those of us who are present and those who are absent. O Allah, whoever of us You give life, let him live upon Islam, and whoever of us You take in death, let him die in a state of faith. O Allah, deprive us not of his reward, and subject us not to temptation after his death
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O Allah, so-and-so the son of so-and-so is under Your protection and mercy. So, protect him from the trial of the grave and the torture of Hellfire. You are worthy of fulfilling promises and worthy of praise. O Allah, forgive him and have mercy upon him, as You are the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful
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Indeed, the eyes shed tears and the heart is grieved, and we do not say except what pleases our Lord. And indeed, over your departure, O Ibrahīm, we are grieved
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I prayed behind the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) the funeral prayer of a woman who died in her postpartum period, and he was standing by the middle of her body
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was shrouded in some white Yemeni garments, with neither a shirt nor a turban
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The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) announced the death of the Negus on the day he had died. He took the people to the prayer place, lined them up, and made four Takbīrs
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He who washes a dead person and conceals what he sees, Allah will grant him forgiveness forty times
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Anyone loves to meet Allah, Allah loves to meet him; and anyone dislikes to meet Allah, Allah dislikes to meet him
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) went out and supplicated for the martyrs of the battle of Uhud eight years after (their death), as if he was bidding farewell to the living and the dead
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Allah admits to Paradise any Muslim whose goodness is testified to by four people
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‘Abdullāh ibn Abi Awfa, while offering the funeral prayer for one of his daughters, recited four Takbīrs, and after the fourth Takbīr, he continued standing for a time equal to an interval between two Takbīrs, praying for her and seeking Allah's forgiveness for her." Then, he said: "The Messenger of Allah used to do so
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No one dies and they stand over him crying and saying, 'O what a great man he was! O how respectful he was,' except that two angels are appointed for him to poke him, saying: Were you like that?
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Among the matters in respect of which we gave the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) the pledge not to disobey him in any goodness was that we should not scratch our faces, bewail, tear our clothes up, or dishevel our hair (in grief)
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Say: Peace be upon the inhabitants of this place among the believers and Muslims. May Allah have mercy upon those who have gone on ahead of us and those who come later on, and we will join you, if Allah wills
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One of the sons of Abu Talha was ailing. Abu Talha went out and the boy died in his absence
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Do not weep for my brother after this day
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An-Nu‘mān ibn Bashīr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: ‘Abdullāh ibn Rawāhah (may Allah be pleased with him) fell down unconscious, so his sister started crying. She said: "O my mountain! O so-and-so!" and went on calling him by his good qualities one by one. When he came to his senses, he said: "Whenever you said something, I was asked: 'Are you really so?'"
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Verily, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) disavowed the Sāliqah (wailing woman), the Hāliqah (shaving woman), and the Shāqqah (woman tearing garment)
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May the curse of Allah be upon the Jews and Christians; they took the graves of their prophets as mosques
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