
Hadith List

Your supplication is answered as long as one of you is not in haste, saying: I have supplicated to my Lord, but He has not yet answered me
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No Muslim on earth supplicates Allah, the Almighty, except that Allah answers his supplication or averts from him harm equivalent to it, unless he supplicates for something sinful or for the severing of the ties of kinship
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Verily, your Lord is Modest and Munificent. He is ashamed to turn down His servant empty handed when he raises his hands to Him
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The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) liked comprehensive supplications and discarded others
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None of you should say: O Allah, forgive me if You will; O Allah, be Merciful to me if You will; but he should appeal to Allah with determination, for nobody can force Allah to do something against His will
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When one-third of the night had passed, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) would get up and call out: O people, remember Allah
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May the fasting people break their fast in your house, and may the righteous eat your food, and may the angels ask forgiveness and mercy for you
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