
Hadith List

The most despicable name in the sight of Allah is that of a man named the King of kings. There is no king but Allah
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Whoever swears by Al-Lāt and Al-‘Uzza (pagan idols) should say: there is no god but Allah. Whoever says to his companion "Come and gamble with me" should give charity
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Do not call a hypocrite a master, for if he is a master, you will have angered your Almighty Lord
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None of you should wish for death. Either he is a doer of good, so he may do more good; or he is an evildoer, so he may give up evil deeds
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Woe unto you! You have cut the neck of your companion
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It does not befit the truthful one to frequently curse others
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Unload it and set it free, for it is cursed
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If a man says: People are ruined, he himself will be the most ruined among them all
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